It's Clean and Green Week! chung cheng interact club volunteered to go and help as tour guides and of course, i am one of them lah...today was also our open house for the p6 students, but it rained today and our tour is also affected cause some of the part of the tour is outdoors.
it is my first time going to the place(because i was sick on the day where they had the breifing), and i am already the guide. so how am i supposed to know where to go?
lucky for me, we guides have maps to tell us the routes and of course you may change if you want. but that is a real simple map so i have to depend on my ''knowledge'' and luck...*cough cough*
my group's bus no. was 193... it is a special one cause others had only two numbers(for bus no.) like 023 and 024...
my group was from Parc Oasis and i find the people very freindly and hence it was quite easy actually.... but i almost died of anxiousness while waiting for their arrival.....
luckily, every thing turned out quite fine and at first i thought i wasnt supposed to bring the group up to the third level because there isnt any shelter but all of them were equipped with umbrellas and most of them said that they have came only because of the hope of walking on the marina bridge and going to the third level as it is quite high and that they will be able to look at quite a distance away...
so many were asking why cant they go up and after i see a few groups going up to the third level...i decided to give in too.. why not? all of them brought their umbrellas anyway.
later was the gallery walk... the gallery was fun and most of them enjoyed themselves( i think)
and the whole trip ended at the walk on the marina bridge. some said that the bridge was very boring as there are nothing to see but most just walked to the end and walked back... taking photos here and there...
finally it was time for me to help take the goody bag(not sure how to spell) i was able to get a few of the people from the tour to help me carry them... the things were sure heavy man...
and they left...
i sat down to have the lunch that they provide and waited for my second group..
i waited...
and waited...
although we have to take at least two groups but then.. i took only one... haha...
like tou lan lehsss.....
and it was already time to go home lor....we went for our own tour at the place..and queued up for the balloon sculpture....
paiseh leh.. all the people behind are all little children then we all this secondary school students stand in front to queue for the balloon... and we pretended not to see.... cannot see... cannot see...
we wanted a flower of different colours... yeh....so nice...
we walked out of the place feeling so proud and making the little children jealous... haha...
Run for the free feeder bus... chong arh.........
and we managed to squeeze near the door...
reached the mrt station and with a very ''black'' face, the driver opened the door(cause he say we blocking the mirror then we tell him his bus 30 min interval...)actually if the place not so far hor.. we havealready taken a walk liao... so hao lian for wat?!
when he opened the door, most of us got hit.. and including me... it was painful but we were laughing.... nothing could take away our happy feeling of ''being able to go home'' feeling
the train ride was long and as the train goes on , more and more of our friends got down....
and there is one thing....
the GOODYBAG is with me and so is the BALLOON.... so continue to make the AUNTIES and the CHILDREN jealous....