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Thursday 29 October 2009Y

same post! sorri i forgot to take pictures for our building paiseh!!!

ends at 10/29/2009 08:37:00 pm

Our own building the Ris Low inspiration BOOMZ!!!!!

hi! exams are over finally!!!! PLAY TIME!!!! but i really didn't play much leh. cannot always on computer also..... haha but never mind at least now i got the chance to write something. something is always better than nothing.
2day school is fun!! i lyke the next singapore icon ting. so funny. but really am a bit disappointed. we only got a consollation niah....nevermind again the process is enjoyable! yesterday i stayed till 3 to do that ting together with Chin and Denise they all.
we are supposed to make a building. some iconic ting lah.
our idea came from Ris Low. we got this super big 'bomb' made of balls of newspaper. its a class effort. so united! then we had 4 ppl representing the 4 races and blah blah blah.
but the thing was super huge! very heavy. we needed quite a lot of manpower. its so fun!!!
the ting was that we had to carry that thing together down the stairs and pass many ppl. so embarrassing!!!! haha.
but during the process i got really tired. feel like sleeping. must be because yesterday night la. keep coughing-.- no mood to talk..... maybe mood swing or sth i know my face is black. sorri lah...
didn't get any better later...just feel like sleeping so tired!!!!!!!
not happy not happy not happy not happy not happy
dun ask me why. cause i also dunno. emoing...... just not happy lor...... but have to say the program was fun.
wen to the talk for toour guide ting. got 1 whole stack of notes to remember.... sadded....
still not happy..... sian rite?! i also think so. no facial expression for the rest of the day. sick....
dun like coughing
not happy not happy not happy not happy not happy not happy
signing off not happily and dun ask me why
cause i dunno
try to smile ba...
maybe 2morro
after my sleep
so fake-.-

ends at 10/29/2009 08:21:00 pm