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Thursday 29 October 2009Y

same post! sorri i forgot to take pictures for our building paiseh!!!

ends at 10/29/2009 08:37:00 pm

Our own building the Ris Low inspiration BOOMZ!!!!!

hi! exams are over finally!!!! PLAY TIME!!!! but i really didn't play much leh. cannot always on computer also..... haha but never mind at least now i got the chance to write something. something is always better than nothing.
2day school is fun!! i lyke the next singapore icon ting. so funny. but really am a bit disappointed. we only got a consollation niah....nevermind again the process is enjoyable! yesterday i stayed till 3 to do that ting together with Chin and Denise they all.
we are supposed to make a building. some iconic ting lah.
our idea came from Ris Low. we got this super big 'bomb' made of balls of newspaper. its a class effort. so united! then we had 4 ppl representing the 4 races and blah blah blah.
but the thing was super huge! very heavy. we needed quite a lot of manpower. its so fun!!!
the ting was that we had to carry that thing together down the stairs and pass many ppl. so embarrassing!!!! haha.
but during the process i got really tired. feel like sleeping. must be because yesterday night la. keep coughing-.- no mood to talk..... maybe mood swing or sth i know my face is black. sorri lah...
didn't get any better later...just feel like sleeping so tired!!!!!!!
not happy not happy not happy not happy not happy
dun ask me why. cause i also dunno. emoing...... just not happy lor...... but have to say the program was fun.
wen to the talk for toour guide ting. got 1 whole stack of notes to remember.... sadded....
still not happy..... sian rite?! i also think so. no facial expression for the rest of the day. sick....
dun like coughing
not happy not happy not happy not happy not happy not happy
signing off not happily and dun ask me why
cause i dunno
try to smile ba...
maybe 2morro
after my sleep
so fake-.-

ends at 10/29/2009 08:21:00 pm

Sunday 12 July 2009Y



绕着中正湖边走,第一个看到的就是围绕着湖边,陪伴着世世代代的莘莘学子的老树。旁边还有一尊雕像。在小型树林中站立着小型茶餐厅。 因为有着大树的遮荫,所以在那里吃点心可说是非常凉爽,别有一般风味。



ends at 7/12/2009 03:42:00 pm

Tuesday 2 June 2009Y


材料:(磅蛋糕模型) 鸡蛋-----1个



2)将预先放在室温中解冻好的牛油,和精制细砂放进搅拌碗中。用打蛋器仔细搅拌均匀。 等到呈现乳霜状时,便可以把打好的蛋汁一点一点地方进去。每加一次都要仔细搅拌好。






ends at 6/02/2009 04:23:00 pm

Sunday 24 May 2009Y
No title-can't think of one

yehs..excited! tomorrow will be an outing! history outing! i have been longing to go to the battle box. i think it is nice....but heard xiaowen say there are a lot of mosquitoes there. eew... i think i better bring some insect repellent. i've got the results le...ok ok lah... but will work harder.recently,there's nothing much to say.but then we have to do the film making thing again. sianzz... for interclass games, i am in basketbal.. haha reserve. quite happy. thanks mabel anyway. i do not have to play, even though i like watching one basketball match. it's nice but i think our school one not very exciting leh... maybe still not professional ba... i dun really like sports. it's through. maybe only for bowling,badminton,ping pong?! the mediacorp had a show"table of glory".it's lame... i think.not very interesting....the plot not very nice leh...but i think the little nonya not bad lah....but then they keep having activity related to this show,quite sick of it already. nothing to do during the holidays i think but xiao wen and valerie were thinking about going to each others house to make cheese or for baking lah. i'm in it too. i think it's fun. but haven really confirm yet lah. i like going to school but just simply hate the feeling of waking up early .
i know it's a lot of crap....
hey. i bought a new bag and a pencil box! very nice... went to tampinese one.disappointed. i thought there would be alot of things but mostly boutiques, but i like the toy shops. the urban write was totally like popular actually. in my opinion..no offence. it's quite big n not so crowded already, i still prefer tampinese mall. there are more shops. but the crowd..oh no, i can't take it.
shopping is never my hobby. thinking of going to the food fair. still thinking.....
very long never go library already.. really do miss the quiet atmosphere there....i wonder how library earn money. since we do not have to pay for the books we borrow... maybe earn through the fines ba... i dunno...
why bother about these anyway. library is the best. haha....

ends at 5/24/2009 02:15:00 pm

Friday 15 May 2009Y
I'm back!

HI!!!! I'm reviving my blog. knew that i have not been writing for quite a long time. sorry, i can't find my old cbox quote, ended up making a new one. sorry.... anyway, mye is over!!!! yay!!!
n the sec two camp is postponed. so glad that i was being postponed but how i hope it was being cancelled. just my own opinion, so done get angry if you were the people who wanted to go. sorry, but i really do dislike camps, although it did sound like fun...
hey! i changed my blogskin too. i think not bad leh. dun vomit hor...
recently nothing happened ba...let me think, exams and exmas...very sian. but there is one good thing, i can write my blog!(lame)
oh yah, recently interact club just did a roadside garden, not bad, but i think the flowers are like half-dead.. poor thing.. haven found a time to go cut the chao-da leaves yet.
n 无敌珊宝妹is really nice!!! i wan go buy the disk!!! partly cause张栋樑acting in side. haha.....
yesterday collected the biology file. heehee... i got a lot of friends to help out:)
haha.. thx for those who helped me yesterday:)
actually,Valerie was saying that maybe we should feel happy after mye, errm... but most of us(Valerie,Xiao Wen,EanXiang,Kai rong and me!) felt zero.nothing..just wanted to sleep. walked out of school together and donated money to the titbits shop AGAIN. that was a daily routine i guess. but i always chose those under $2. heehee.... the things are not very expensive but oh god! i am putting on weight!!! arghh... should eat less titbits now, but i haf a confession, i like eating titbits, that is one of my hobby. *sigh* wu yao ke jiu le......
dread going back to school for p.e. cause this time is train napfa test. aiyah... why every year also have napfa?! so sian... but i quite like the 2.4 and standing board jump. although 2.4 makes me have stitches everytime, but it is the most time consuming! haha.... just hoping that the holidays would be fun. still have to prepare for maths olympiad.
Die liao lah... always make me feel very dumb one....
anyway,just good luck for mye everybody and good luck for those who wan go I.P. =)

ends at 5/15/2009 12:31:00 pm

Thursday 18 December 2008Y
Sushi Maniac

hi!!!hope you have a nice day! that's me!(below)
just having fun with pictures! haha.. dont be jealous!
i'm so proud!
i made all this sushi and that's my first attempt!the ingredients in the sushi are ham, egg,prawns and artifical crab meat. its tasty, it's yummy, it's delicious!

That's me in my kimono....

yay... say cheese!!!

this is my try out without specs...

the ingredients box..............

it's so fun!!!

this time is japanese food with kimono...

next time maybe nonya food with kebaya? hey lets try! haha...

must be lots of fun..

it's like trying to make all sorts of food and one thing


haha. you cannot eat...

ends at 12/18/2008 02:34:00 pm